News and Resources

News items are generally single articles or blog posts. Resources are more in-depth, less time-sensitive places to explore themes and ideas. If you have items to add to our list, please contact us.


"In watching my beloved counsellor die, I finally learned how to live"

Maybe we can all learn this lesson.

"Suffering and death are facts of life: “Everyone dies, their bodies rot, and every face becomes a skull."

A girl after my own heart.

"If we think about the end-of-life stage as something that we can have some agency over ... it may demystify it."

This interview includes links to other resources.

"I am not afraid of death; I am afraid of slowly dying. "

"We can choose how we live – why not how we leave? A free society should allow dying to be more deliberate and imaginative"

Debra Koosed was diagnosed with dementia at 65. That’s when she decided she no longer wanted to live.

"Today, Recompose — which would convert human remains to soil — is still just a concept. But it's approaching reality, with scientific testing done at Washington State University and legislative support in Olympia."

"“We can’t say with any kind of certainty what the number is going to be, but I don’t think it would be outrageous to say there could be 1,000 people in California who would be getting a prescription in the next year,” said Matt Whitaker, California director of Compassion & Choices, a Denver-based nonprofit that advocates for end-of-life planning, including hospice and palliative care."

"A dwindling group of professionals is tasked with navigating the often fraught passage from life to death."

What a way to go:

"When the pallbearers brought Phil McLean’s coffin into the chapel, there were gasps before a wave of laughter rippled through the hundreds of mourners.

The coffin was a giant cream donut."

"With a little knowledge, practice, some training and experience, death feels less scary."

"It’s not nearly as cut and dry as it should be. The mortuary industry is the one that tends to control what’s going on in terms of home burials in California."


"Drawing significant contributions from the fields of psychology, sociology, medicine, anthropology, law, education, history and literature, OMEGA has emerged as the most advanced and internationally recognized forum on the subject of death and dying."

"SevenPonds reviews nine conversation starters that can help you and your loved ones open up about the last taboo"

“Fears of death feature heavily within illness anxiety and the somatoform disorders, with body checking, frequent medical appointments and reassurance seeking, and requests for medical testing being key behaviours in these conditions”

A discussion of the science and business of anti-aging and possibly defeating death.

"Do you want Facebook or Google to control your legacy?"

"Pokémon Go gives players the opportunity to have important conversations about death"
